twitter is not just (t)whittling your time away…

There has been much press lately about twitter and what it is and means as a venue for human communication (even for an entire country of oppressed people.)  It is a generous gift from its creators. You can’t really know what it is about unless you spend some “quality” time on it.  Yes, there is a portion of it that is generated by spammers and plotters, making for an on-going clean up job from the twitter administrators.  However, for the art community, it has been a great way to see what is going on the world-wide art community. Artists share ideas, sometimes blow-by-blow accounts of their art process.  Many are posting links for you to see their finished work.  Twitter is just in its infancy as an artist’s tool.

Here are two twitter art ventures in process for you to ponder, one local and one global.

local: “Art Talk” with the Three Rivers artists changes in real time at the Studio Tour website twitterfeed.  Other twitter artists are joining us from time to time.  The tweets are gathered here using what twitter users call a hash tag.  Our art talk hash tag is #art3R.  It works like a word you would use to do an internet search.

global: Sheree Rensel, an artist from St. Petersberg, Florida, is organizing the first twitter art show. The deadline for artists to participate is coming soon on June 30.  You can follow Sheree on twitter @wizzlewolf.  The show is called Twitter: 140.  Experimental is a good description for this innovative idea.

[There is a website, not made by the twitter folks, but by other social media worker-bees. In their own words, “ has been designed from the ground up to help you ‘cut through the clutter.’  From our home at Twellow headquarters, we’re actively searching and categorizing millions of inter-personal exchanges available on the internet every day. is thereby able to assist you in finding real people who really matter. We’re doing the hard work of sifting out people who can help bring your vision to reality, whatever that vision might be.”  Go to the category they call arts, with its 27 sub-categories, to see what the twitter art world looks like—so far.]


from article at mashable.comTwitter StreamGraphs is another data-based visualization of Twitter trends. Instead of loading bar charts or line items, it uses stream graphs to display words and tags associated with a keyword, based on a thousand recent tweets. It’s especially adept at visualizing tweets over time and can visualize the top keywords of any individual tweeter.”

Twitter as a medium for art-making?

Three Rivers (California) Artists Join in a New Online “Art Talk”

The artists of Three Rivers are talking about the creative life, using Twitter as an artist’s medium. As they prepare for the Three Rivers Biennial Artists’ STUDIO TOUR 9, slated for March 19-20-21 in 2010, artists have begun to talk about their art-making process in an online inclusive conversation. The increasingly popular Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users’ updates known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length which are displayed on the user’s profile page and delivered to other users who have subscribed to them (known as followers.)

The Studio Tour organizer, Elsah Cort, has embedded a special Twitter search “widget” on the main Studio Tour website, where anyone can view the most recent comments by the artists. Within 10 seconds of an artist posting a “tweet” it appears in “Art Talk” on the website. The artists are using the special code that allows for all the updates to be gathered together in the twitter conversation. You can follow this collaborative art essay at, use the link for “Art Talk.”

“The potential of Twitter as a way for artists to share their ideas and creative process is continually evolving,” says Cort. “Many artists around the world have been using twitter since its launching in the summer of 2006. Artists can refer visitors to online blogs and websites that function as online galleries and commentaries.” As the local Three Rivers artists deepen into their twitter conversation with each other, the personal experience of artist contact, that the Three Rivers Artists’ Studio Tour has been well known for in the last 17 years, will be available to the many art enthusiasts who are looking forward to STUDIO TOUR 9.

During STUDIO TOUR 9 in March 2010, visitors will be invited to join the Twitter “Art Talk” conversation, as they visit the artists and studios, by posting twitter updates in real time using the special twitter search code.

The artists who have joined “Art Talk” (so far) are listed below.

Elsah Cort | | |

Aranga Firstman | |

Shirley Keller | |

Eddie McArthur | | |

Nadi Spencer | |

Martha Widmann | |

Three Rivers Artists’ Studio Tour, main twitter page at